Here's a strategy that will help you shape your marketing message so your potential clients will stop and pay attention.

Attracting clients starts with effective marketing. And effective marketing starts with a very important question: What are your potential clients thinking about as related to your business?

There are 2 parts to this question:

(1) The things they're worrying about: The challenges they're facing. Their problems, their fears, their concerns and their struggles.

(2) The things they're excited about: Their burning desires. Their goals and dreams. The things they'd pay good money for if the perfect solution exists.

Learn how to attract clients with a compelling marketing message that will make them stop and pay attention. #onlinemarketing

Two sides of the same coin

Their fears and desires are really two sides of the same coin. They're super high priority to your potential clients. They spend a lot of time thinking about them. It's where their focus and attention is.

Now, as a business, you know that you have the perfect solution for them. But your potential clients don't. Most of the time they may not even know what their own fears and desires are. In order for you to connect with them and get their attention, you need to do two things:

(1) Help them articulate their fears and desires.

(2) Show them how your services will help them solve their problems and fulfill their burning desires.

Most businesses don't do this very well

Instead they go on about how great they are and how long they've been in business. There's too much focus on themselves instead of their customers or clients.

To give you an example, I'm going to share a typical piece of marketing from a fictitious cleaning company. So, for example, they might say, "We're a professional cleaning company based in London. We offer affordable cleaning services. Our cleaners are professional, trustworthy and punctual. We offer the highest level of service to all our customers."

Now you might say... okay, it's a little dull but it's not too bad. It tells you that the company is affordable... it's based in London, etc etc. But that's the problem. It all focuses on the business, instead of the clients.

I encourage you to do something different and to use a better strategy. For your marketing to be effective, you need to speak the same language as your potential clients and address those fears and desires directly.

When you address those fears and desires, it will draw your ideal clients in. They'll feel that you get them, and that you understand the challenges they're going through. Then when you do step #2, which is to clearly show how you can help them, you'll be able to position yourself as the solution. When you do this right, you'll attract the right people into your business who are motivated to take action and get results.

So, using the same cleaning company example, how could we turn that around to focus on the fears and desires of the customers?

So let's try this:

"Are you tired of coming home to a messy house after a full day's work? Who wants to be mopping the floor or cleaning the kitchen tops while you're feeling exhausted and stressed? Our cleaning service specialises in helping busy professionals like you. Imagine coming home to a squeaky clean house and being able to unwind with a glass of wine straight away. Interested in getting your house cleaned by an experienced team that knows how to make a house shine? Give us a call today!"

Now, can you see the difference? You're still talking about your services but the emphasis is on the problems and desires of your customers.

Here's what I'd like you to try...

Take a look at your various marketing materials, whether it's your website, your emails or your sales pages. Do they focus directly on your potential clients instead of your business? If not, just spend some time tweaking them. You don't have to do everything all at once because that will be overwhelming. So, maybe just take your website home page, or a particular sales page, and change the focus from your business to your customers.

Do you need to attract more clients? Or attract more of the right type of clients? If so, here's a strategy that will help you shape your marketing message so your potential clients will stop and pay attention.
Do you need to attract more clients? Or attract more of the right type of clients? If so, here's a strategy that will help you shape your marketing message so your potential clients will stop and pay attention.
Do you need to attract more clients? Or attract more of the right type of clients? If so, here's a strategy that will help you shape your marketing message so your potential clients will stop and pay attention.

Introvert Power Marketing Playbook

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